Because Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is a complete health care system, there is very little that does not benefit from a course of acupuncture, herbal medicine
or a combination of both. Very often it is possible to combine the best of both East and West and use the acupuncture or Chinese Herbs in association with treatment provided by a GP or other
health care provider.
Following, are some of the many conditions treated by acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture Evidence Project - MacDonald/Janz 2017 advises on research.
Musculo-skeletal - lower back pain, joint sprains, muscle strain, sciatica, arthritis, sporting injuries,
sports performance or enhancement.
Respiratory conditions - sinus problems, hay fever, common cold or flu, asthma, bronchitis.
Gastrointestinal disorders - constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, haemorrhoids,
heartburn and reflux.
Cardiovascular - angina, palpitations, high or low blood pressure.
Womens' Health - irregular or painful periods, some fertility disorders, premenstrual difficulties, menopausal
Pregnancy - morning sickness, breech baby, heartburn, elevated blood pressure, oedema, lower back pain,
preparation for labour.
Mens' Health - some fertility disorders, prostate problems, erectile dysfunction.
Neurological - headaches including migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, shingles, meniere’s disease, tinnitus,
Bell’s palsy, post-stroke syndrome, insomnia, excessive dreaming.
Metabolic disorders - chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, hormonal irregularities.
Urological disorders - urinary tract infections, nocturia, bed wetting.
Psychological disorders - post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, smoking/drug addiction.
Skin disorders - acne, psoriasis, eczema, scarring.